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How to Prepare for Your Yoga Teacher Training in 2025 [ 8 keys points ]

1. Your Expectations â€‹


The word “intensive” scare the hell out of me. 2 weeks before my yoga teacher training began, my asana practice was so inconsistent that I was ashamed of myself. I felt so unworthy to be a yoga teacher and I doubted my capabilities.


I expected the course to be 80% intensive asana practice and 20% theory but I was wrong. There was so much more to Yoga than just asana practice such as the history, the philosophy and the anatomy. Most importantly, I was reminded that yoga is for anyone.


Tip: Be receptive to knowledge and all kinds of challenges. When you’re willing to receive knowledge and face the upcoming challenges, your mind will naturally have an open perspective about dealing with situation you’re about to face.


2. Your Health Level


You don’t want to be struggling in 100% of the asana practice because that’s when you will get injuries. Having a consistent asana practice will help you to understand your body condition better and may teach you to modify certain poses according to your needs.


Tip: Be consistent in your asana practice at least 3 months before your yoga teacher training. Having a strong asana practice will help you cope with the 6-day week of  daily asana practice. That means practicing at least 3 days a week, 1-2hrs per day. It would also be helpful if you practice the asana which the course you’re taking specializes in because it will not only help you memorizing the sequence, but it will also condition your body for the upcoming asana practice during the yoga teacher training.

Having said that, if you’re attending a Yin based course, you may have a different kind of asana practice which I’m sure the course coordinator will advise you before you start the course.


However, if you happened to sign up less than 3 months before your course and you don’t have a consistent asana practice, don’t be intimidated. Maintain a positive attitude and learn modifications so that you can alter the classes to suit your body and at the same time strengthen your practice during the course.


3. Your Medication


There are numerous yoga teacher trainings held in countries away from your home where medication might not be as readily available. Therefore, it is imperative to prepare some basic medication such as for flu, diarrhea and inflammation.


The courses are often held over a 6-day week with 1 off day. Classes usually start from around 7.30am and end at 6pm. You already won’t have much time to explore the place your training is held at. The last thing you want to happen is fall ill within your last week of training which could affect your final exam.


Tip: Prepare for the worst-case scenario and get all the necessary medication you need because you’ll never know what could happen to you. You’ll be thankful that you have the medication on standby. Important medication you should be bringing are:

  • Charcoal pills (diarrhea)

  • Imodium (diarrhea/vomiting/stomach flu)

  • Rehydration salts (after care)

  • Medicine for cough, flu, fever and sore throat


4. Your Modifications


Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced asana practitioner, you may have been taught how to modify some poses already. Some could be modifications due to weakness and others could be due to injuries, or just personal preference.

The days of consecutive asana practice could tire your body out which could lead to injuries or cause some old injuries to surface. Therefore, it is important to understand your body well so that you know how to adjust according to your needs.


Tip: Pay attention during your regular asana practice when the teacher adjusts the students. Even if you don’t have injuries or weaknesses, it will help you to understand the importance of adjustments which you will be learning in your asana clinic module during your yoga teacher training.


5. Your Insecurities


It could be your physical appearance, your background, your abilities etc. When the yoga teacher training gets tougher and you’re away from your friends and family, your so-called-flaws are going to start feeding you with negative thoughts. Every single day, they are going to haunt you and remind you why you can’t reach a certain goal.


But the truth is, nobody is perfect. There will be people who are always better than you in certain things but you can’t allow that to stop you from achieving your goals. Everyone can achieve whatever we want in life. We’ve just got to believe in it and fight hard for it. If you want something badly enough, you would do whatever it takes to obtain it.


Tip: Be prepared to be vulnerable and come face-to-face with your insecurities. Take this time to accept yourself for who you are and love yourself the very best you can. Once you’ve made peace with your insecurities, nobody can use it against you.


6. Your Ego


Sometimes when you think you’ve been practicing yoga for some time, you think you already know all about yoga. But the course isn’t just about the physical aspect of yoga. It is about discipline, community and concentration. Sometimes, it could also be a situation where you know how to do a certain pose but your body doesn’t allow you to do because of an injury. This is when you need to focus on your health first rather than proving yourself or others that you are an advanced asana practitioner.


Tip: Use your current knowledge about yoga in the application of your practice. There will definitely be a time where you find yourself lost in the knowledge you’re about to learn during the course. Don’t be impatient with yourself. Accept that education is a lifelong process and continue to be curious about all kinds of knowledge you are about to receive whether during the yoga teacher training or after the program.


7. Your Emotions


In this busy world, we all have a habit of avoiding our emotions, especially negative ones. We’ve got no time to deal with our emotions and we often keep them in a little corner at the back of our mind. Sometimes we check on ourselves once in a while to relieve part of the load of stress and there are times where we just don’t want to handle them at all. During the yoga teacher training, you will have plenty of time to meditate and you may even find yourself in situations where your pent-up emotions rise to the surface.

Be prepared to be emotional. You will feel angry, sad, happy, frustrated, love, contentment etc. sometimes all at once. But remember that you’re not alone because what you’re going through could be the exact same thing your course mate is experiencing as well.


Tip: Trust the process of allowing your emotions to surface and feel every single bit of it. Remember the emotions you’re feeling and accept how you’re feeling at that point of time. Take this opportunity to ask yourself how do you want to feel by the end of the practice and if there is anything you want to let go. You will be guided in practice so just be receptive of the experience and enjoy the process of hopefully liberating yourself from any suppressed negative emotions.


8. Your Intentions


Last of all, what is the reason you’ve decided to sign up for the training? It could be to learn more about yoga or yourself, to deepen your practice, to solely receive the certification etc. During the course, you may be faced with difficulties that will make you doubt yourself and make you want to give up. That’s when you have to go back to those reasons and remind yourself the purpose of this training for you.


Tip: If you haven’t thought about why you want to do the training, then this would be a great opportunity to ask yourself. Before you start the course, find ways to remind yourself why you made this decision so that whenever you start doubting yourself, you will be reminded of the sole reason of why you chose this path.

Personally, this yoga teacher training is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life. I’ve met such amazing people from all around the world and I’m proud to call them my spiritual family. There will be sweat, there will be tears. Maybe some blood shed and maybe you’ll overcome your fears. I strongly urge you to sign up for a yoga teacher training even if you don’t think teaching is for you. Come for the experience and you’ll definitely learn knowledge you never thought you never knew and feel emotions you never thought you would feel.


After the Yoga teacher certification, you’ll be transformed into this whole new person where you would be so excited about going back into the world and sharing your newly learnt knowledge to the people around you. If you’re thinking of joining a yoga course to understand yourself better, you’ve definitely made a wise decision and I can guarantee you will learn so much more about yourself physically, mentally and spiritually. Most importantly, set an intention to at least have fun and I’m sure you’ll have an awesome time at your yoga teacher training. I hope this article has helped have a clearer idea on how you should be preparing for your yoga teacher training!



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